Do It Now ! Now is the opportunity. The door’ been opened with the topic: time, situation, people, places, things, playgrounds, context, season, and on and on… you’ll only skate when there’s ice, you’ll never have now again. These are the windows we wait for,,, pray for. It’s the teaching moment, the time […]
Moments of gathering are when people are already gathered. Every family should eat together at a table looking at each other regularly in some type of manner. If this is something new then make a plan and work towards it. Use these times as opportunities: Have some types of sharing at this time.. sharing the […]
If you could value moments of time that have a higher impact, focus on 16 minutes broken into four segments. Everything usually works best when it has a beginning, middle and end. including relationships. These four minute segments in the day reinforce the presence and significance of a relationship. They set the staging […]